Archive for August, 2010

The enable password is similar to the superuser or Administrator password and protects your router. Only after authenticating with this password can you make changes to your device.
To change or set the enable password to p4ssw0rd:

config t
enable secret p4ssw0rd

The enable pasword p4ssw0rd command will also set the enable password, but will leave the password in plain text and visible in the router configuration. This is not affected by the service password-encryption setting.

Redhat login banner

Posted: August 17, 2010 in Redhat

You must be wondering how to change the system login banner. It is a very simple task. You login banner is stored in /etc/issue file. It is a text file which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt. Just open file in vi text editor:
# vi /etc/issue

Add/modify text as per your needs. In your /etc/issue file you can include certain escape codes to display the system name, date and time etc. All escape codes consist of a backslash (\) immediately followed
by one of the letters explained below:

  • d : Insert the current date.
  • s : Insert the system name, the name of the operating system.
  • l : Insert the name of the current tty line.
  • m : Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, eg. i486
  • n :Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname.
  • o :Insert the domainname of the machine.
  • r : Insert the release number of the OS, eg. 1.1.9.
  • t :Insert the current time.
  • u : Insert the number of current users logged in.
  • U : Insert the string “N user(s)” or “N users” where N is the number of current users logged in
  • v : Insert the version of the OS, eg. the build‐date etc.

An example of /etc/issue file with escape codes:

1) Open /etc/issue file
# vi /etc/issue

2) Append/edit/add following text to file:
This is \n.\o (\s \m \r) \t

3) Save file and exit to shell prompt.

My baaner printed before the login prompt as follows:

This is (Linux i686 2.6.13-web100) 20:01:30

server login:

Please note that other Linux distrobution such as Debian also support /etc/issue file, so you can edit it to display login banner.

Ref :

Problem :

I dont use CUPS for printing that much but I have to set it up for some of our development guys . It was working ok and I am kinda start loving it 😦 . Hence one of the server is comming up with error while printing . It is basically comming as “Segmentation Fault”

I got more error from the following location .


localhost – root [05/Aug/2010:11:05:06 +1000] “POST /printers/AUHOPRN01 HTTP/1.1” 200 18602 Print-Job client-error-not-possible
localhost – root [05/Aug/2010:11:05:06 +1000] “POST /classes/AUHOPRN01 HTTP/1.1” 200 18601 Print-Job client-error-not-possible

Solution :

Tried to restart Cups to get rid of the problem but it was failing each time .Then I have cleared the queue  with: sudo lprm – and it starts working ok .

Still need to find out more . This is for a heads up.